* The packets of each color contain a minimum of 25 piping stims or
special feather type piping.
* These are all brand new. The retail price listed is what they cost in
the 1990's, many bought on sale and sale price is listed.
* That price is further reduced by the discount listed below.
BOX 39A # Packs Description
Price Ea Total
17 - .89 cents regular piping packages $0.89 = $15.13
9 - $1.19 Feather Type piping $1.19 = $10.71
1 - (150) multi-color regular piping package $4.19 $3.79 = $3.79
2 - Floral Wires $2.89 $2.89 = $5.78
2 - Red Roll of Florist Tape $2.39 = $4.78
1 - Small Red Valentine Wreath $1.89 = $1.89
- Total $42.08
- Less 85% Discount ($35.86)
- Special BOOKOO Price ... $6.00
- Price is rounded to nearest .25 cents
# Items 31 - Average Cost Per Item >> $ .20 cents each
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